سه شنبه ۱۳ آذر ماه ۱۴۰۳
نشریه الکترونیکی
Catalonia in Business. Annual Report 2020: Foreign investment in Catalonia up 31% Catalonia in Business. Annual Report 2020: Foreign investment in Catalonia up 31%
Catalonia Trade & Investment has attracted €480M of foreign investment in 2020. |
Issue 62 | April 29th, 2021 |
Annual Report 2020:
Foreign investment in Catalonia up 31% |
Catalonia Trade & Investment has attracted €480M of foreign investment in 2020, 31% more than the previous year, according to the agency’s Annual Report 2020. |
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Are you thinking about expanding or relocating in Europe?
Come to Barcelona & Catalonia, where innovation and industry meet.
The place to build your future. |
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Industry 4.0 in Catalonia, a solid growth sector |
According to the report Capacities and technologies linked to Industry 4.0 in Catalonia, Catalonia has firmly committed itself to the sector with some 1,100 companies working in this field – a number that has tripled since 2017 – and employing a total workforce of 26,394 people. |
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The number of Catalan companies internationalised via Catalonia Trade & Investments offices around the world grows 12.5% in 2020
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French company PayFit to increase Barcelona workforce by 25% in 2021 with up to 70 employees
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Delivery platform Glovo, founded in Barcelona, raises €450M in a Series F round
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Barcelona, third best European city to create a startup
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The German automotive firm Technica Engineering creates 35 jobs in its Sant Cugat R&D centre
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Learn how the new agreement between China and Spain will promote economic Exchange
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4YFN |
June 28-July 1
Barcelona |
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Catalonia Trade & Investment is the public agency of the Catalan Government that works to attract foreign investment to Barcelona and Catalonia, promoting the area as an attractive, innovative and competitive business location. |
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