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نشریه الکترونیکی

Catalonia in Business: “Catalonia is one of the industrial centers in Europe”
Catalonia in Business: Catalonia is one of the industrial centers in Europe
Discover why German company Festo chose Barcelona.

Catalonia in Business
Catalonia Trade & Investment
Issue 67 | October 28th, 2021
“Catalonia is one of the industrial centers in Europe”
Discover why German company Festo chose Barcelona over 250 other locations to establish their global digital sales hub. One of the leading companies in industrial automation, Festo valued the easy access to talent, an industrial rich environment, and closeness to innovation leaders as the key factors that make their company grow in Barcelona-Catalonia.


“Barcelona’s tech sector is running at a record-breaking speed”
Miquel Martí is Tech Barcelona’s CEO, a key institution promoting Barcelona-Catalonia’s technology sector, recently reinforced by new announcements of digital hubs being set up by Festo, Microsoft and PepsiCo.
Read the interview!

Looking for the best suppliers for your company?
The Catalonia Industry Suppliers platform lets you choose from more than 32.000 industrial products to find a brand new provider for your company and widen your suppliers network.
Find out more!

Top startup investments in 2018

Are you thinking about expanding or relocating in Europe?
Come to Barcelona & Catalonia, where innovation and industry meet.
The place to build your future.


Report: A look into the dynamic Catalan automotive industry

The automotive industry in Catalonia is a significant part of its economy, being the second largest industrial sector after food in terms of turnover. A total of 352 automotive companies generate jointly some 19,404M€ in turnover per year with a workforce of 38,845 people.


The Knot Worldwide to set up its technology hub in Barcelona
More >>

Catalan company Grifols partners with Egypt to inaugurate the first African plasma-supply platform in Cairo
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Report: Turnover in the Catalan nanotechnology sector goes above €430M
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Alliance Healthcare invests 35 million euros in a new logistics centre in Catalonia
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Report: Catalonia, where state of the art engineering thrives
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PepsiCo to invest in a new digital hub in Barcelona that will serve as a Center of Excellence
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Alexander Osterwalder: “Barcelona is very attractive to startups because of its talent pool”
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Essity opens in Barcelona its Center of Excellence for the supply chain at a global level
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Decathlon invests 53.4 million Euros in a new logistics center in Barcelona
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Veriff opens a new center in Barcelona seeking engineering staff
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Circular Economy Hotspot Catalonia 2021

November 15-18

Smart City Expo
World Congress

November 16-18
Barcelona & online

EU | Silicon Valley Entrepreneurship Training

November 10 - 14
Castelldefels (Barcelona)


November 10-19

Torino Fashion
Match 2021

November 15 - 18

Tomorrow Mobility
World Congress

November 16-18
Barcelona & online

Puzzle X

November 16 - 18

Tech Spirit Barcelona

November 22 - 23

Matchmaking Event
Free From Food Amsterdam

November 23 - 24

Barcelona Building

November 29 - December 2

Slush 2021

December 1 - 2

Hello Tomorrow

December 2 - 3

Biofit 2021

December 7 - 9

Open Innovation Forum 2021

Open until December 2

Open calls for startups

Various locations and times

fDi Catalonia
Catalonia Trade & Investment is the public agency of the Catalan Government that works to attract foreign investment to Barcelona and Catalonia, promoting the area as an attractive, innovative and competitive business location.

The applicable regulations authorize our institution, the Agency for Business Competitiveness (hereinafter, “ACCIÓ”), with registered address at Passeig de Gràcia, 129, 08008, Barcelona, to send via electronic means commercial information and literature to keep you informed about the activities and services of ACCIÓ of an identical or similar nature in respect of which you have shown an interest, participated or contracted with our institution. If you do not wish to receive any further communications from our organization, you may exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, portability, limitation and/or opposition to the treatment of your data via the e-mail address dades.accio@gencat.cat or by sending a regular letter to the postal address indicated above.

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